
katy & david.

after completing my camp forms in the gilbert hall computer lab today, i decided to go for one of my bi-monthly treat-yourself-alone-between-classes lunches that i enjoy so much. and as always, i took myself to whichwich for a tomato and avocado sandwich.

i pulled out my Bible to read a little jonah. as i was eating, a super cute couple (the guy was trying to take pictures of her, she was opposing, they were laughing) sat down at the table next to mine, against the wall. her back was to me and he was facing me.

after a few minutes, she asked me if i was a student at uga. we chatted about my studies and what i did at school. he asked what i was reading in scripture. in my mind i was saying, "score. they totally love the Lord." they were from greenville, went to clemson, liked biking and coffee and Jesus and were in athens for a day trip. i told them a little bit about camp, and he asked about what i wanted to do. i talked a little about france. throughout the conversation, he just kept mentioning not abandoning the truth for post-modernism and "making that the most important book you read."

basically, it was seriously encouraging. so thank you, katy & david. you definitely blessed me today.

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