

officially, the weirdest thing about being twenty-two is the thought that the next time september 12 rolls around, i'll be turning twenty-three. looking or saying the word twenty-two too many times is strange also. this birthday also marks the one on which everyone's "happy birthday!" is followed by a "wow, you're getting old." true. i suppose passing twenty-one indicates a swift movement out of your youth. my nearly-fifteen-year-old sister even said, "don't worry, i'll still love you when you're wrinkly." thanks, em.

this birthday was one of the most enjoyable i've had in a long time. i love birthdays, but i love others' a lot more than my own. i generally don't like having all the attention on me, despite my history of years and years on stage. but this one was wonderful. one hundred percent of the reason was because i have wonderful friends and an amazing family.

turning twenty-two included...

...having pumpkin pancakes with whipped cream for brunch with my friends who live with me.

...purchasing cowboy boots, old french books, and one dollar yellow nail polish at the flea market. also, fresh fruit snow cones. strawberry and guava.

... these two wonderful ladies cooking me shrimp and scallop pasta with roasted veggies and cream sauce. (what can i say? i'm italian.)

...eating said dinner with incredible friends. minus a few who are very special and i miss a lot. (rachel, laura arline, and gracie, i love you.) i also got a phone call from argentina in which gracie yelled "HAPPY BITHRDAY!" about thirty times. then we skyped. it was wonderful.

...baking cupcakes with elissa. these are german chocolate cake, filled with the german chocolate icing (coconut and pecan), topped with fudge icing and coconut. yes, i love coconut. and the fact that my birthday candle was an orange tea light. twenty-two candles would have been depressing, two giant 2 candles would not have been cute. i would not have had it any other way.

oh, i am so blessed.

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