
oh, is-real

pictures of God's love for me this summer:
this is my cabin from session 11.
we were in 6b.

this is my favorite sail.

walking to the mudpit!
we were really excited.

at the mudpit with lindsey,
my counselor for session 11.
she was a-ma-zing.

campfire guests.
all we were missing was the mystery machine itself.

kayaking with laura haynie.
first and last time all summer.
but it was fun.
the Lord is faithful.

1 comment:

  1. A. I just started following your blog and I LOVE IT.
    B. I just saw this post and I even MORE love it!!
    C. This picture made my stomach fill up with butterflies and put a huge smile on my face and made my heart start beating faster for missing Camp. That was SUCH a fun day with you :-)
    D. I love you.
