

i am in the processing stage. walking around athens, i feel like i'm having an out-of-body experience. i'm not really sure what's going on most of the time, but i'm trusting.

revelation: i think i'm a little bit more like Christ than when i left athens. i am finding myself surprised by my reactions to certain situations. and this must be because i am changed. the Lord has changed my heart this summer. melted; softened it in the right places; in the best ways.

i know that the Lord has gone before me this semester. and i'm excited about that.

i got cheerwine in a bottle today. so good. i got cheerwine in cans from kroger. so so good.

this version of the doxology keeps coming to me as i seek to understand, as i continually realize that i am not capable of understanding. only the Lord is right now. who am i to question His choices, His will, His ways?

oh the depths of the riches of the wisdom & knowledge of God
how unsearchable are His judgments,
how unknowable are His paths
who knows the mind of our God?
& who can bring cousel to Him?
who has given to God that He should repay?

for from Him,
through Him,
& to Him
is everything.

to God be the glory forever & ever.

from romans 11.

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