
call & response.

session 1: middle school.
He calls us beautiful, loved, and worthy, something that God gave me to speak over a bunch of the girls who were at camp this week. He is all we need, and it is in Him that we are whole and complete, not in anything or anyone else.

session 2: 4th-6th grade.
there's something about this age that makes for a huge range of interests, experiences, and maturity levels. because of that, this week was a little hard. God wants to know you, specifically and intimately. He wants a relationship with you, a true friendship. He wants it to be personal.

session 3: 2nd-4th grade.
a beautiful bunch of kids, who put joy in my heart that i wasn't sure i'd be able to have after this past year. at this age, these girls were so interested in who Jesus was and what He was to them. He loves you, He hears your prayers, He is with you wherever you go. He died for you, so that you could live.

session 4: buddy camp.
while it's a little more difficult with the adults around, these two days were good, and i was so encouraged by some of the parents who prayed with their kids, who painted pictures that had to do with God in arts and crafts, and who were insistent upon setting the same example for their kids that Jesus sets for all of us.

certainly the most adrenaline-pumping moment yet this summer happened on friday, when a dad ran out of the ocean with his son, whose foot was so cut open it looked like a piece of it was missing. i was the one who saw it, so i took off running and praying up the beach to a walkie talkie. i called the nurse, sat the boy down, and did some first aid action. i asked stafford, a fellow staff member, to talk to him (we threw out as many questions about swimming as we could come up with) while i rinsed it with water and gauzed it upon. i could barely wrap it though, i was a little shaky. after sending him off with the nurse (he eventually got five stitches), i was still a little shaken, and it took me about a day to be feeling back to normal; i was weirdly emotional about random things for about 24 hours.

this whole situation though is proof that God has everything happen for a reason, and i was specifically placed there at that moment so i could respond to this situation. originally, i was going to miss buddy camp for a wedding, but decided that camp probably needed me there. then, i was on rescue boat duty but the motor was acting up, which is the whole reason that i was even on the beach at that time. not to say God needed me there (He could've easily done it without me), but He certainly used me.

i am so pumped for senior session, which starts on monday.
i can't wait for God to meet these high schoolers like they've never experienced before.

also, God just keeps showing me what a blessing this staff has been. God continues to confirm things through them, bless me with conversations that really point me to Him, and to find that sense of understanding in having the same struggles or learning the same things about God...sometimes the hard way. God has been using a lot of them to reveal things to me and to really purify and refine me this summer.

they are such a blessing; i see God's face in them and hear God's voice from them.

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