
a little post-france thought

seeing another country is new and exhausting and trying and wonderful. it makes one ripe for change, for growth, and unfamiliar things and people and places have made me realize my smallness in the world, my own insignificance, and in the best way. in the way that makes you look around, turn a full circle about yourself, and think, "the world really does not revolve around me. God is so big, so much bigger than the jar of my life i've placed Him in." His everywhereness - i think the official word is omnipresence - becomes so clear. His involvement in so many things outside of me is undeniable.

the beauty of the world, of france, in the natural southern olive groves and in the man-made palaces, have made me see God in a new light. to truly recognize Him as Lord over everything, even over things and people that do not want to be lorded over, is eye-opening.

to see cathedrals, flamboyant and overdone, and to notice the contrast - it seems like too much, as if God would have much preferred the down-trodden of the day to benefit from such resources, and yet it seems not enough, not enough light and color and detail and beauty and majesty, even in the incredible art and architecture, to reflect the glory of a divine and holy King. truly, the Lord of heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made by human hands. He dwells everywhere, in france and the states, even within my little, wretched, so-in-need-of-grace heart.

there will be much more about my trip - things we did and things i've learned, pictures and words and thoughts and verses - once i collect all my files and thoughts. all in due time.

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