
nous sommes arrivees!

so rachel and i made it to paris, and to our apartment, near montparnasse. check out this post on rachel's blog for an update on our first couple of days.

so far, we have eaten pastries, walked and sat in the jardin de luxembourg (which includes le senat, the building which houses the french senate), bought prepaid cellphones, and bought cokes at mcdonalds (to use the wifi), although i will say it was much, much nicer than any mcdonalds i've ever been to in america.

highlights of my day today:

1. a man helping us get our phones said that my french was "very good for an american." i will take that as a compliment - it was enough to boost my confidence, which was slowly fading at first. he also said he loved the warm weather in florida (i wonder what time of year he went there), he congratulated us on graduating from college, and he asked if i was italian, based on my name, which is shared with a singer named laura pausini. all in all, a very nice interaction. thank you, orange.

2. the camembert that would probably cost 9 or 10 dollars in america was 1,7 euro. ridiculous. my "expensive" tastes are well-suited for living here.

3. time with rachel over a coffee and croissant au chocolat (rachel) and an orangina and a delicious, cream-filled sugary triangle (me).

kisses from paris,

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